Helping Teachers Achieve Financial Clarity and Security

Raising the Standard of Financial Planning for Iowa Educators

Teachers Deserve Better.

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I’ve been there. After a 17-year teaching career, I understand your situation.

My mission is to change the landscape of financial planning for educators.


3 Easy Steps.


Understand You.

What is most important to you? Our process begins with identifying your purpose, values, and goals. Money is a tool. It doesn’t cause happiness by itself, but using it for things that will fulfill you will grow contentment. Getting to deeply know you is the important first step.


Guide You.

Our planning process helps you get organized, identify how you are currently doing, and get clear on what steps need to be taken to improve both your financial situation and fulfillment.


Walk With You.

Once we know what to do, we will help you get things done. We walk with you along this journey every step of the way - providing guidance, monitoring, accountability, and encouragement. Things will change. Life will happen. We are here with you for the long haul.